Privacy Policy

Your privacy, and the privacy of all users of Real Business Applications Ltd is of the highest priority. This privacy statement explains what information we gather from you, how it may be used by us and how it is protected. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Your information

If you request information from Real Business Applications Ltd through any of our e-mail addresses or Contact Form, we use the information you submit to fulfil your requests (such as sending informational materials, responding to specific inquiries or adding names to our opt-in e-mail newsletters) but we also may use information in connection with internal marketing and sales initiatives. This information is used for business contacts only.

Client lists

We do not otherwise sell, rent, exchange or disclose our client lists or information about our Web site users, except to the limited extent necessary to protect the rights, property and safety of our company, our clients, or others or to comply with applicable law or if we are acquired and client information or information about our Web site users is a transferred asset.


We do not place cookies on visitors’ computers. However, Real Business Applications Ltd does gather information pertaining to Web site visitors browsers (user agents), click paths, operating system, IP address etc…. This information is routinely collected by ALL major Web servers by default. Real Business Applications Ltd uses such information solely to provide a more beneficial visitor experience in terms of content and compatibility.


To make your shopping experience with us as effective as possible we use sessions to record your browser activity and update the shopping cart throughout the process. The session will allow us to update the cart, your order and generate invoices automatically. Upon leaving the site, the session will expire.

Fraud Protection System

Fraudulent credit card use degrades the quality of the service we offer our customers. We track all shopper IP address as one part of our fraud detection procedure. This is to ensure shoppers are who they say they are. Suspect orders will be dealt with swiftly and politely. This active participation in preventing fraud ensures we continue to offer the best possible service.