Ecommerce with Ad-Lister

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eCommerce Integration & Websites’

From inventory management to listing optimisation, manage all aspects of your ecommerce business, with RBA and Ad-Lister, together.

Use Ad-Lister to post all your products from RBA to your website, while RBA retains control of your inventory and order management. List and manage products across multiple ecommerce platforms such as eBay, Amazon, B&Q, Etsy, ManoMano, OnBuy, Walmart, TikTok, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Wix, Shopify, Magento and more via a single app.

How it works


– Post products to Ad-Lister, which can then list your products to sales channels like eBay, Amazon, B&Q, TikTok, Woo Commerce, BigCommerce, Magento and Shopify.
– Update product information for existing items, such as titles, images, descriptions, prices and inventory.


-Automatically sync inventory between RBA and Ad-Lister.
– Import products from Ad-Lister and then manage inventory for those products from RBA’s interface.


– Import products into Ad-Lister and manage pricing and stock in RBA.

Key Features of RBA – Ad-Lister integration

→ One app to list onto multiple ecommerce and marketplace platforms allowing you to reach customers wherever they shop, extend your market presence and watch your sales increase
→ Streamline the import, export and posting of products from Ad-Lister to different sales channels including eBay, Amazon, TikTok, B&Q and Shopify
→  Automated backups completed once a day
→ Create, edit and manage listings in bulk or individually via ad-lister with just a few clicks
→ Add product tags and product types to your products while also
reviewing product recommendations
→ Integrate to External Suppliers Data via APls. Ad-Lister can integrate and collect data feeds from Toolbank, Sealey, Thule, Stax, Feridax, Oxford
Products, Bond Tyres & Uropa to name just a few.
→ Make admin effortless with find and replace functionality, save ended listings forever, and pre-built listing designs for Valentines, Easter &
→ List to eBay using a custom design or Ad-Lister’s free template builder and take advantage of eBay listing optimiser to sell more products
→ View eBay competitors’ sales history to help you to decide your product and pricing strategies
→ eBay Listing designs are responsive to both mobile and tablet devices
→ Upload eBay video to your listings
Successful customers using both RBA and Ad-Lister to post products online:

Three choices of Integrated Web Solution

Flexible solutions to suit your business needs 

RBA one-stop web solution

Templated web design that is customised to your business brand and the design and launch process managed by our in-house team of developers. Similar to the ‘McDougals’ and ‘HIC’ examples above

from £3200 +vat

(see Hosting fees here)  

Do It Yourself

We can supply you with the API documentation for your web developer to link your existing website to your RBA system. Limited support is included with this option and charged extra where necessary

Prices start at £1800 +vat

Shopify or Ekm Integration

This uses the ad-lister platform as explained above. Choose a hosting package and create your own website with the platform provider and the Rba<>ad-lister integration module manages the data feeds. 

£295 Setup / £50 per month +vat

(AdLister Fees also apply)