No Ordinary EPOS System
A good EPOS system not only looks more professional when serving the customer but speeds up the whole process. Whether it’s a straight sale or a slightly more complicated one. Touch screen means you are always facing the customer and speeds up the transactions and a professionally printed receipt or credit note is expected from your modern day customer. As is an integrated chip & pin or contactless payment system.

‘Electronic Point Of Sale’
- Speeds up the transaction times
- Offers the customer a professional printed receipt or credit note
- An integrated chip and pin contactless payment system
- Customer facing Multi-function Interface
- Scrolls Adverts in between sales
- Presents full transaction details
- Takes customer signatures
- client entry of email addresses
- Bluetooth Scanners
- Slim or pop-up cash drawers
- Serve retail and trade customers without switching screens
- Serve multiple clients at a time and recall any sale from any till
- Integrated chip & pin payment system with contactless.
- Apply discounts or special prices if security allows, client discounts are picked up automatically
- Staff sign on/off logging and timesheets with Dallas key / iButton method for more security
- Add unlimited products to PLU buttons for quick picking
- Produce gift vouchers, gift cards or credit notes
- Integrated deliveries, collections and special orders with deposits
- Integrated cashing-up screen for reconciliation
- Add new loyalty customers to your database at point of sale and issue loyalty cards
- Integrated postcode lookup of client address details
You are now logging every sale of every product, every cost and selling price and everything the assistant does at the till. This information is priceless and will flow through the system presenting itself just where you need it. The software comes in different flavours (modules) as well. so, you only have to buy what you need. Upgrade what you need, when you need to.